Friday, October 29, 2010


whats your favorite Gilmore Girls episode?!
And who is your favorite character?!


Kelly Haemmerle said...

Rory! Without Rory nothing would mean anything.

I like the dance marathon episode.

Kelly Haemmerle said...

everything would mean nothing.

Kelly Haemmerle said...

nothing would matter.

Kelly Haemmerle said...

I love Richard and Emily too, a lot.

Unknown said...

i like the dance marathon episode to! its so cute. and it is the episode where dean and rory finally break up so that jess and rory and be together. but dean was mean to rory, but that is the only negative part.

i like the episode where Rory goes with logan for the life and death stuff. and they jump off the top of that thing with umbrellas. it is also when rory decideds she likes logan and is the beginning of her break up with dean.