Friday, June 17, 2011

Asinine Dream.

I had a dream. I do not think that explaining it will come close to doing it the justice it deserves.

I think I was a spy and I was trying to help overthow the crazy people in charge. They were like crazy communistists.. I was running around trying to figure out what was going on. It was very futuristic. Everyone I know like lived in this 'mall' and there was a limited amount of resources and all the good food was gone. I was walking back from like the cafe and i was walking down this hall way and i saw a pair of shoes i had always wanted and i stole them. But it turned out that it didnt matter cuz you wernt alound to wear the color purple anymore. They were like a royal purple satin with like... well i dont really remember. But they kicked ass and thats all that matters.

I was walking through the halls trying to find Tori I think and some lady was talking about how the Law had said people cant wear all these different colors, and so then I looked around most everyone was wearing white because it was one of the only colors left to wear. So I kept walking out of the place with all the people and clothes (It can be described as nice, indoor flea market. I came into this ummm big open area I cant remember the name of It was escalators going in every direction and some regular steps too. I saw BooBoo so i tried to follow her but i couldnt figure out how to because there so meny diffent pairs of steps. so then thankfully i found Kiki right near me and she was kind of freaking out shopping because she needed to find maternity clothes for Logann because everyone was getting pregnant and all the maternity clothing was disappearing. I was kind of freaked out because it didnt sound like all these people getting pregnant wanted to be and the govnt was forcing them. But i decided to push that to the back of my head to think about later. I was taking a one step at a time approach. So Kiki pointed me up a pair of steps and warned me not to take the escalators unless I really needed to.

So I go up the stairs and I walk around for a second and I see Tori zoom by me and she waves and trys to stop moving but she cant because she is on an evil escalator so i try to follow her and i cant because it is to hard. so i turn around and start walking and i see this guy sitting in this chair next to the doorway and i go to talk to him because i need help. So i walk up to him and say hay blah blah blah (he is on watch for the govnt people) then this husband and wife and girl come up the escalator closest to us and the man drops something. You can tell he is NOT happy about dropping it. I got the impression its one of the like 'illegal' products your not supposed to have. So then they all kind of fall on the ground and then they guy unhooks this thing from the thing he droped and shoves in his daughters mouth and pinches her lips together so they stick.

Then Mick apperars and helps the family with whatever the heck is wrong. Apparently the girl is broken? and the thing the dad shoved in the girls throte is like a voice box but she is missing some other crucial piece and if she doesnt get it in 20 min she will die. So then the guy sitting in the chair who is working for the govnt pulls out this like car battery looking thing and hooks the girl to it. It is going to buy her some more time so they can find the piece she needs to live!

I dont really remember the rest I end up like seeing though the guy who is watching posts eyes I think its farther in the future when everything is beginning to fall apart and people are running out of stuff. He is in this apartemnt and he has a dog. But he cant support the dog anymore so somehow he turns the dog into a piece of pottery and is sad about it.

yes it was a strange dream.


Tori said...

you're weird!

Unknown said...

It would make a GREAT music video. u need a vacation.

Unknown said...

asinine is a funny word.

Unknown said...

Mom you were pretending to be me again!!!!

Thank You Tori .)