Saturday, December 12, 2009


my lil friend jamie and i just did our christmas exchange! and it was funny! we had 15 minutes!!! yikes. and anyway i bought her this really cool ring from target and it looks like a lil belt buckle and it is just so cute! and i bought her a New Moon poster but they didnt have on eof Jacob so it is the Cullens but i thought it was still pretty. but maybe i will go find the Jacob one and give it to her also haha that would be funny. but the other day we were at wallmart and Mily Cirus(sp) has her line of clothing and i was like hay i like that! i wish i had money for it. it is like a white tshirt with the word Cheers and like a London flag with a hat and it cute and she bought me the clark jersey i wanted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YIPPIE!!!


Jamie said...

miley cyrus doll. 8) weeee have christmas spirit!

Tori said...
