Sunday, March 21, 2010


here i come.

well not for like three weeks...
but still!

i have to figure out what to pack,
and how much to pack.

and how much money to bring.
and which bag to bring that
will fit in the carry on
baggage area stuff.

and we are leaving thursady
and will be back sunday?
so T F S S so that is...
three nights?

ahh and i just remembered
my history project.
and math... EVEN WORSE.

And i am not even going
to start with prom...
but i am extremly extremly
grateful to the wonderful
and beautiful KIKI and Lo
for letting me borrow a
wonderful dress!!!!!!!
i am not sure i can say
just how thankful i am!!
because that just might
have pushed me ova the
edge. ya no? i do not
necessarly feel like
going over the edge.

1 comment:

Tori said...

no going over the edge please...