Monday, September 20, 2010


i am not experiencing the full effect of Senioritis quite yet, but i would say that as the weeks pass i care less and less about just wearing sweatpants and less and less about being on time. I feel like i have soooo busy lately! i am always doing something at sometime in my day. i want a day where i dont have to do anything. a day to be an american. and eat queso and watch football. in my 2011 sweatpants and a soft white t shirt. AHHHHHHHH. i feel like i will never have this Opportunity. Unless like on last wednesday when i was sick! but that doesnt really count because uh duhhh i was sick. I am hoping now that homecoming is over it will be easier to find some quite time to read and relax and be a veggie for a couple Minutes. Im just sooo tired!!!! ahhh!
Haa i just Wikipedia-d!

The main symptoms of senioritis include procrastination, lack of motivation, a drop in academic performance, and "coasting", which is the act of going through classes with very little concentration or application of intent along with truancy. This often happens in the last year of high school, college or even graduate school.

Well if that is the case, ive had it for the past... 18 years!!!!!!!!!!! awesome. i guess i have Nothing to worry about, do i?


Tori said...

You can be lazy at my house anytime. Just come on over and pop in a DVD. I'm sick this week and need company!

Unknown said...

sick!!!! why are you sick? stop being sick. NOW. .)

Kelly Haemmerle said...

Stevie~ You need to work hard now so you can benefit later.

Kelly Haemmerle said...

And it's pretty obvious you are a maybe go with that.....see what happens.