Friday, April 1, 2011

Realistic Drama

"Mom, I am sick. I can't go to school." I complain to my mother who is still in bed and half asleep.
"Huh? Okay Will." she mutters at me (I was named Willamina after my father, William, who got lost on his way to the bar and forgot to look for a way home).
Yes! I am jumping up and down on the inside. On the outside my shoulders are slumped, my arms are hanging limp at my sides and I am using the wall to support me as I meander down the steps.

I'm in my bedroom, examining my old Barbie dolls. They have frizzy hair and most of their clothes have been lost. They make me remember that one time when my grandma bought me a Spice Girl doll, and my doll had a doll of her own. It got me wondering, what if I'm like a doll and someone is playing with me like I play with Barbie, directing everything I do and wear and what I say and where I go. I was amazed at the time by the thought, I mean what if!? But now thinking back, it is kind of creepy to think about not being in control of your own life. But on the other hand... how nice it would be if someone made all of my decisions for me? They would be in charge of choosing my college, and my boyfriend, and my job. Wouldn't that be nice? Life is so stressful sometimes... I just want to buy a mini fridge and a hot plate and lock my bedroom door and never leave. I want to live a stress free life. I am eighteen years old, I am developing a wrinkle between my eyes, and the other day I think I found a gray hair... Okay maybe the gray hair is an exaggeration. I decide all the stressful thinking if making me sleepy so I should lay back down and try to sleep. But after forty-five minutes of lying there with out the ability to fall asleep, I decide to text my friend Ira. He is a hipster, so I know he is home with nothing to do today. He has no school, no job, no responsibility, just his moms basement packed with his musical devices.

Ira, I'm home 'sick' from school. Lets have an ADVENTURE!

Five (million) minutes later he texts me back:
Okay Willa, lets do it. But do you have any money? My car is one hungry beast of a machine.

...Yes, if we go to the bank.

Thanks! I'll pick you up at... 9:23 for the greatest adventure of your life.

Sure thing Ira, sure thing.

I heard my momma leave for work about half an hour ago so I decided to get up and get ready. I take a shower, drink a whole pot of coffee with come crazy chai coffee creamer, and dig through my mess of a room trying to find something clean to wear...

1 comment:

Jamie said...

dude this sounds exactly like your life! your realistic drama is vury realistic!