Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Bucket List.

(This is so old! how funny)

Stephanie Lynn Clark-Gaither’s
Bucket List
(Just For Fun)

1. Go to all 50 states
Including Alaska,
Sleep in my “green” car
2. Buy a “green” car
That way my children’s children can have full healthy lives
i. That includes cows!
3. Interview a Vampire
To see what vampires are really like
4. Go to Canada
For the weird Ice palace thing
5. Live in Ireland!!
6. Visit Spain
7. Graduate from college.
8. Get married to a beautiful boy
9. Adopt a child/children from far away places
10. Write a book
And have it published before I croak
11. Conquer a foreign language!
12. Keep in contact with my friends
Even when I am old and have a family of my own
13. Learn to play an instrument
Or guitar
... Or both…

I remember this being a lot more impressive when i wrote it.


Jamie said...

hey hey hey! i accomplishing number six. and kayla said im your other half soooo it counts! ha. ha.

Tori said...

love it!